Wednesday 22 October 2014

OK. I would write about how I'd never done a blog post before but I think that's pretty obvious. So I'll get straight to the point. This really scared me! I went into Hollywood Café and saw something VERY odd: A girl with sheet white skin dressed all in black with matted hair covering her face. But guess what else? THERE WAS NO NAME UNDER HER AVATAR. I clicked on her profile and it said: "Beware I'm about to h*ck in the Hollywood Café!" I took some screen shots and quickly left. Unfortunately, my laggy computer glitches MSP out so all I could do was snap a few photos of Anonymous because the mysterious deleted user had left :( . Proof that it was Anon? No name. Yet she wasn't deleted. It looked like she'd been locked forever but was still an active user? Here is a picture.
Picture of Anon. See? Looks like she's been locked out. Sorry, I know these aren't very good quality. They'll be better next time :) . OK, well yeah. This is my first ever blog. Sorry if it was a bit short but I needed to post this. Well, Bye!
- Kitty -

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